We are consulting on our Admissions Policy for 2026-2027. Please click on Admissions to view the consultation.
Rauceby Church of England



Parents, Teachers and Friends Association

Welcome to the Parents, Teachers and Friends Association area of the website.  Here you will be able to find out about who we are and find links to future events.


Our purpose is to provide support to the staff and pupils through raising funds for extra curricular activities and additional items that would otherwise not be available.  We always encourage the involvement of children, staff and parents in these activities.


If you would like to find out more, have any suggestions for events or are considering becoming a member of the committee then why not contact us.


Chair - Lisa Broughton

Vice Chair  - Vicky Stephenson

Treasurer  -  Lisa McTiernan

Secretary  -  Hannah Mountcastle


Committee Members

Victoria Bellamy

Emma Modder-Fitch

Victoria Taylor


 Find the PTFA on Facebook

(link takes you away from the Rauceby School website)


Community Events, Opportunities and Resources for Children
