Reception Sept 2025 intake come & visit us - Open events on Wed 16 Oct 9.30-10.30 & 11.00-12.00, Tue 29 Oct 1.45-2.45, Fri 22 Nov 10.30-11.30. Please contact the School Office on 01529 488667 to book a place, or to arrange an individual showround
Rauceby Church of England



What is our aim for our readers?

In line with the National Curriculum, at Rauceby Primary School we want our children to develop a love of reading and an understanding of its importance. It is our intention to ensure that, by the end of their primary education, all pupils can read fluently and with confidence in any subject ready for their forthcoming secondary education.


We model this by being ‘reading teachers’ and facilitators of book talk, so that the children develop a life-long love of reading for pleasure as well as learning. We encourage all pupils to read widely across fiction, non-fiction and poetry to develop their knowledge of themselves, to empathise with others, and to understand the world in which they live. We use reading to promote the development of pupils’ cultural, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual awareness.

How do we teach reading at Rauceby?


Early Years Foundation Stage

Reading in the Early Years is taught through the successful Read Write Inc. (RWI) programme. Children at Rauceby learn how to ‘read’ the sounds in words and how those sounds can be written down. This is essential for reading, but it also helps children learn to spell well. We teach the children simple ways of remembering these sounds and letter through simple phrases.


Initially the children learn to read a wide selection of cvc and ccvc words before progressing onto the ditty sheets.  Once the children are fluent and confident, we introduce the first set of Red RWI reading books. 


Alongside our RWI program we add in extra support and time daily to those children who need additional practice. The children also practise reading (and spelling) what we call ‘tricky words’, such as ‘once,’ ‘have,’ ‘said’ and ‘where’. The children practise their reading with books that match their phonic knowledge and the ‘tricky words’ they know using the RWI reading books. The teachers also read to the children every day as we feel that this is hugely important too. We choose a range of books (poetry, fiction and non-fiction) to enhance all areas of the curriculum. The children are also able to choose a book from the classroom that they would like to share with their families as we believe that reading for pleasure is also a very important part of the early stages of reading.


Key Stage 1

In KS1, phonics is taught through daily RWI sessions. Delivered by trained adults, each session recalls known Grapheme Phoneme Correspondencies (the letters that make up sounds), teaches new GPCs, segments phonetic words, reads tricky words, and reads books using taught GPCs.  Any child not making the expected progress will receive additional 1:1 or group phonic sessions. The teacher continuously uses formative assessment to gauge the speed and direction of the lesson, as well as those children who need extra support. The teacher ensures that effective talk is used between partners to maximise pupil participation and talk time.


Children also have a regular text-led session, focussing on their language comprehension. This revolves around a quality text, often one that is linked to the topic. The children engage with the text using talk and role play. It may be a familiar story (fairy tale, or one studied or read before); one that elicits a strong response; one that extends vocabulary; or one that is from the perspectives of others (ensuring the children are exposed to texts that represent a diverse range of people and perspectives). The same story may be read multiple times over the term/year/years, inviting greater opportunity for talk each time it is read.  Once children have completed the RWI scheme and are fluent readers, they then move into a group, who are using a whole class reading structure and they begin to develop their VIPERS (Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval, Sequencing) skills.


The class book corners are organised, with carefully selected books being changed over on a regular basis, in order to keep the book offering fresh. Familiar stories will always be available so that children can rehearse these independently. There is also a designated area for specific topic related books. All children access to the book corners every day. Children take home a phonetically matched reading book and are expected to read at home each day. Parents are advised of how to best support their child when reading with them at home. Children also choose a reading for pleasure book, which is also intended to be shared with adults at home.


Key Stage 2

Reading in KS2 is taught through a whole class reading approach centred around the VIPERS skills. We believe that if lessons are correctly scaffolded, all children can access the same level text. Struggling readers are identified through fluency, reading age and summative assessments (as well as formatively throughout reading lessons). These children receive appropriate intervention (decoding, fluency or comprehension) as per our reading intervention programme for RWI.


Classes have multiple copies of the class text, so it is possible for it to be read using a variety of strategies: adult reading aloud, individual children reading aloud, partner reading, choral reading, echo reading and silent reading. Most lessons have a vocabulary focus, including reading of the text and finally a comprehension or fluency activity. Where appropriate, the session is finished with a summarising activity.


These structured sessions occur 4 times a week for 40 minutes. Reading for pleasure is promoted and regularly encouraged: independent reading occurs daily (often after lunch for 10 minutes); a class story is read daily; writing units are often text-driven; children are required to read and respond to their books regularly at home as part of the homework policy; and a variety of texts are used to support the learning in foundation subjects.


How is your child assessed in reading?

Formative Assessment 

Teacher’s strong subject knowledge and understanding of children in their class means that the main method of curriculum assessment we employ is formative assessment.


Retrieval Practice

We regularly revisit learning to ensure understanding of concepts and for learning to be stored in the long-term memory.


Pupil Voice 

We love having discussions with children about learning, and their spiritual and moral development. Pupils demonstrate compassion to their peers, community, and the natural environment.


Pupil Behaviour 

Children show that they are enjoying learning in reading sessions and that work has been pitched appropriately through their behaviour and attitudes during lessons.


Pupils’ Work 

Work is completed in their Guided Reading and Spelling Books, we do not expect written evidence for every lesson, as we are really aware of nourishing a love of reading for all.


Summative Assessment 

Children will sit NFER or SAT assessment papers over the course of a school year. These are used to monitor pupil progress and are reviewed by all school staff and Governors. Children’s progress is reported to parents. In KS2, children also complete fluency and reading age assessments twice a year.

Progression map for Whole Class Reading
