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Rauceby Church of England


Vision and Values





To ignite a passion for learning in all; to embolden a community of high aspiration and fulfilment’


As an inclusive Christian community, we work towards inspiring a passion for life long learning. We aim to embolden a community of active citizens who have high aspirations for themselves and others and who are personally fulfilled.


We seek to achieve this by providing a safe, caring and inspiring environment where all can reach their full potential, academically and personally. In this way, we live out our belief that:


“I can do all things through him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4.13)


This is reflected in our school motto and hashtag of #thischildcan



Our achievements are built  on the foundation of our shared values of:












At Rauceby Church of England Primary School we recognise, promote and teach British Values through positive modelling and through our many enrichment activities, woven into our daily learning.  We value and celebrate difference within our school community and beyond, celebrating what it means to be part of modern Britain.

In 2014, the DfE produced guidance in which Lord Nash said:

  • A key part of our plan for education is to ensure children become valuable and fully-rounded member of society who treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of background.
  • We want every school to promote the basic British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.
  • This ensures young people understand the importance of respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain.

The Rule of Law

At Rauceby we have clear expectations for the children, who are taught why laws are in place and how they affect the lives of all in our community.  Our House Captains and School Ambassadors, amongst others, are there to model expectations and to encourage children to make the right choices.  We have visits from the local police to develop links with the local community.


All members of the Rauceby School community have the opportunity to be heard.  Parents are invited to join working parties throughout the year; children from each class are elected to represent the pupil voice in the School Council, which meets regularly under the guidance of staff.  The staff, both teaching and support, have a voice on the Governing Body.

Individual Liberty

Within our Rule of Law, the community at Rauceby is encouraged to make choices and to follow their beliefs, whilst respecting the wishes of others.

Tolerance of Others’ Beliefs

An important part of the Rauceby Team working together successfully is ensuring that all people’s thoughts, beliefs and ideas are respected, not just tolerated.  Children learn that others will have differing views to their own but that all are valuable.

Mutual Respect for All

This, of all the values, underpins all that the community at Rauceby believes in.  All memebers of the school community are expected to treat others with the respect they would like shown to them.

‘In everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you.  For this is the essence of the Law and the prophets.’ [Matthew 7:12}
