We are consulting on our Admissions Policy for 2026-2027. Please click on Admissions to view the consultation.
Rauceby Church of England


Wraparound Care

We are very fortunate to be able to offer our families full wraparound care from 7.45am - 5.30pm Monday to Friday.


Our Breakfast Club opens at 7.45am and is based in our Millview building. The Club is run by our dedicated team of Teaching Assistants and led by our Pastoral Leader, Mrs Debbie Craddock. Children can enjoy a sociable start to the day, playing games, crafting, making and creating as well as enjoying a healthy breakfast to start the day. We like to encourage independence from an early age, and children are encouraged to butter their own toast, add milk to their own cereal and pour their own drink in the morning as well as clear up after themselves! If the weather is fine, we are often out and about in our beautiful school grounds enjoying the morning air! Payment for the hour session is £5.50.


Our After School Club runs from 3.25pm (for EYFS and KS1) or 3.30pm (for KS2) until 5.30pm. Our dedicated team of Teaching Assistants - led by Sarah Murchington - our After School Club Leader - run a varied programme of activities during the week from outdoor sporting activities to art and craft, from imaginative games to team challenges. We also know that sometimes your child might need the time to 'do their own thing' and relax after school so our team has a flexible approach based on the needs of your child. We can offer time and space for your child to complete their homework or time spent reading with your child. The Club has full access to the school facilities but is largely based outside in our beautiful school grounds when weather permits or in our large Millview building. Ours is a flexible approach and your child can also access other school run clubs before popping over to After School Club. Prices for our after school provision are £5.50 an hour.


Please contact us through the school office for further details.
